What We Offer

Insurance fraud comes in many forms. From workers’ compensation fraud, healthcare fraud, life insurance fraud, staged accidents, etc., insurance fraud costs are estimated to be in the billions! This increases costs for policy holders and compromises the integrity of the insurance system. To combat this we offer a wide range of investigative services to help our clients mitigate these costs and give them the confidence to move forward in the claims resolution process. The services we offer include:

  • Surveillance

  • Social Media Investigations
  • Witness interviews & Statements
  • Background checks
  • Litigation support

  • Corporate Intelligence


Surveillance is an effective means of combating insurance fraud when done properly. Our investigators are highly trained in the art and science of surveillance and respect the rights of the subject and our legal responsibility to our clients. Surveillance is always conducted within the bounds of the law while respecting individual rights to privacy. All evidence is obtained through legal practices and admissible in legal proceedings.

Social Media Investigations

A social media investigation is the process of researching and analyzing an individual’s social media activity over a broad range of platforms. We use open-source intelligence (OSINT) from social media platforms, public resources, blogs, online forums and other areas to collect information that may lead to an individual’s past, present, or future activity.

Witness Interviews & Locates

Locating witnesses and obtaining witness statements are a critical component of insurance investigations. We can identify and locate potential witnesses who may have relevant information about an incident or the circumstances leading to a claim. Once a witness has been located we can complete the interview process and corroborate and verify details of an incident and establish witness credibility.

Background Investigations

Background investigations help not only during the underwriting process but also in the claims handling process. Our background investigations shed light on an individual’s history including criminal activities, claims history, driving record, financial history, health and medical history and occupational and lifestyle history.

Litigation Support

Our litigation support services assist legal professionals and their clients in navigating the challenges of the litigation process. This is a culmination of evidence gathered from surveillance, photographs, statements, background information, and all matters related to a particular situation. We stand by our efforts and are prepared to provide testimony when requested.

Corporate Intelligence

Our corporate intelligence investigations involve a systematic process of gaining and analyzing information for the purpose of strategic decision-making. We help clients gain a competitive advantage and avoid unnecessary risks through extensive background investigations. These investigations are tailored to mitigate the risks of unforeseen challenges that may arise.

Ready to Uncover the Truth

Contact Statewide Investigations, Inc. today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced investigators. We look forward to assisting you.